Within a tightening job market, it can be difficult for a candidate to cut through the competition. Candidates often submit a resume to a company’s online job posting and never receive a response. Our expert recruitment services help potential employees stand out and get into a position aligned with their career goals. With our industry expertise and focus on client service, we work to place you into a job that will be a long-term fit.
Another benefit for our candidates is the deep knowledge we can offer about the employment landscape across the hospitality industry. Our recruiters’ relationships with company ownership, HR professionals and hiring managers provide an inside perspective that a job seeker could not normally access. We can advise candidates on a given company’s culture, work environment and reputation — and this enables our candidates to make well-informed decisions.
When looking for a job, candidates often apply for positions where they are under or over-qualified. This can result in limited response from employers, unnecessary interviews and wasted time on ill-fitting partnerships. Our recruiters know exactly where a given skill-set is best suited in the industry — and only submit candidates to appropriate positions.
Job hunting can be an overwhelming and stressful process, especially when trying to balance a current job’s workload. Our expert recruiters are happy to advise candidates on the ins and outs of application process, interviewing and hiring. We are on top of current trends in the market, so candidates can be exposed to differentiated opportunities when available. AK Search maintains close relationships with their search clients and thoroughly understands their business strategy and needs.
Candidates are often employed and cannot jeopardize their current job by applying for jobs or proactively searching on their own. By using AK Search, you can guarantee that your search remains confidential from your current employer. We work to submit you to roles that go directly to our clients HR team or to the hiring manager. We try to help eliminate applying for “blind” job postings that carry the unknown of where your resume may end up.
Our recruiters have their finger on the pulse of the job market and know exactly what is going on in the industry. They have made important contacts in the hospitality industry and often have knowledge about jobs that are not posted. This can open new and exclusive opportunities for our candidates, that would not have otherwise been possible.
Another benefit for candidates is the assistance we provide in negotiations. With the potential employers’ permission, our recruiters use their expertise to represent candidates during the negotiation process. This can ease the stress of having to discuss offers, benefits and salary with a new employer. Our recruiters do everything possible to work for the candidate’s best interests.
One of the best ways to show initiative to a potential employer is by following up on an application. However, candidates must apply to so many positions that scheduling follow-ups at appropriate times can be quite difficult. Our recruiters stay on top of applications and follow-ups to give candidates the greatest chance for success.
First, we conduct an interview with the candidate to determine which positions are best suited for them. We then submit the candidate’s background to a client and summarize why we believe they are a fit. Meanwhile, we call the candidate’s past employers to get references on their prior experience. If the client likes a candidate’s background, our team will coordinate a series of interviews between the two parties. We work around the candidate’s schedule and needs and try to make the process as convenient as possible. At the end of the day, we act as a liaison for both the client and the candidate throughout every step of the staffing process.
AK Search understands the intricate details of the hospitality industry. We know how to make a partnership that benefits both the candidate and employer. Given the quick turnover rate in the industry, we work to diligently to place candidates into the best position possible. Our recruiters have the connections, know-how and experience to make finding the right job an efficient and easy process.
The majority of AK Search’s client base and candidate searches are focused on greater metropolitan areas including New York City, Chicago, San Francisco, Boston, Washington D.C. and Miami.